The ubiquity and diversity of planets tell us that they can emerge under an astonishing range of conditions, but until recently, it had not been feasible to test many of the predictions of planet formation models. While protoplanets are difficult to image directly, the advent of ALMA has made it possible to search systematically for disk structures potentially induced by planet-disk interactions and to use their morphologies to infer characteristics of the young planet population. Concentric rings and gaps are the most common type of substructure observed in dust continuum emission and are found in disks spanning a large range of ages and stellar host spectral types. The widespread presence of these structures suggests that giant planet formation can occur readily within a million years and up to hundreds of astronomical units from the host star. Meanwhile, spiral structures are detected in only a minority of disks, and it is still debated whether they are triggered by a perturber, by gravitational instability, or another mechanism. Nevertheless, the disparate properties of spiral structures recently observed in dust and gas suggest that multiple pathways to spiral arm formation are operating in disks.