Recent high spatial resolution observations of such disks by ALMA have revealed many details that are providing interesting constraints on the disk physics as well as dust dynamics, both of which are essential for understanding planet formation. We carry out high-resolution, 2D and 3D hydrodynamic simulations of global disks, including the effects of dust feedback and planet-disk interactions. We report new results on studying the interaction between dusty protoplanetary disks and planets on eccentric orbits. We find that planet’s orbits will eventually become circularized due to the planet-disk interaction, and during this process, the dust distribution will be affected depending on the timescale and final location of circularization. This scenario can significantly affect the global dust evolution, particularly in keeping dust mass at large disk radius. It also leads to the emergence of dust rings and gaps, and provides constraints on inferring the planet masses associated with such structures. Furthermore, depending on the disk evolution stages and disk masses, certain spiral features can be excited via such interactions. By comparing with observations, we discuss the constraints on disk and dust properties (mass, viscosity, etc.) and the likely planet masses.